About the Journal
NP Current is an open-source, peer-reviewed journal that delivers a mix of original clinical content and healthcare information of interest to nurse practitioners, focused on assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prevention, as well as health promotion.
The NP Current's guiding principle is to support and engage the Canadian nurse practitioner community to share information that will positively impact the delivery of health care in the spectrum of settings where they practice.
Submissions to NP Current
We welcome all contributions that are of potential interest to nurse practitioners, including but not limited to the following categories:
Original Research - Please follow the standard format of scientific manuscripts with the inclusion of an abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion.
Key Concepts - Brief contributions on topics of interest to nurse practitioners, such as new therapeutic approaches or frequently encountered clinical conditions.
Practice Perspectives - An article that illustrates diagnosis, treatment or management concepts, including innovative NP-led initiatives.
Peer Review
Submissions are subject to a blind peer review. After initial review by the editor, submitted articles will generally be sent to two reviewers who will provide comments on the scientific rigor of the content and its suitability for our audience. The final decision on the acceptance of the submission rests with the editor of NP Current.
Submission Length
Articles should be a maximum of 3000 words unless there is a prior discussion with the editor.
Funding and Conflict of Interest Reporting
All authors must report all sources of funding and conflicts of interest.
Ethics Review
Any studies involving human or animal subjects must have obtained appropriate approvals and consent.
Submission Declaration and Verification
Submitted articles must not have been previously published (abstracts and theses excluded) or under consideration for publication in the same format elsewhere.
All authors must have made substantial contributions to the development of the article.
Authors agree to transfer copyright to the NP Current publisher but retain the right to: share their article for personal or scholarly use; retain intellectual property rights; attribution and credit for the published work.